Lifestyle newborn photography

Lifestyle Newborn session

Lifestyle newborn photography sessions are all about capturing those sweet moments as a family with your new baby. Most often, they take place in the comfort of your home, but they can also take place outdoors (if you’re up for an adventure) or in a lifestyle studio. I know how chaotic life can feel in those first few weeks at home with a baby, so I do my best to make these sessions relaxed, fluid, and stress-free. Your main job is to snuggle and love on your baby as much as possible. If you have other children, we incorporate them too! Furry family members are also welcome. I give gentle direction to place you where the light is best and in ways that are complementary. For individual photos of the baby, I let them take the lead and don’t fuss over them being awake or asleep. We take breaks when/if needed - feeding and diaper changes are totally normal and expected.

lifestyle Newborn Pricing


newborn Session

from: $300

Private digital gallery
20-40 edited photos
All print rights
*studio session available

Fresh 48 Session

From: $200

Private digital gallery
20-40 edited photos
All print rights